Wednesday 3 October 2007

7 Tanka in English 英語の短歌

Driving for hours,
made it to Seaside.
You ask if I’m alone,
if I know you moved
furniture closer for us.

You say let’s talk more
about weekends together
at Carson Hot Springs,
how they were good times,
and that I can see anyone too.

Even if we were
to stop calling each other
darling, walking home alone
in the dark, we’d see
the same moon all over town.

Returning from
our favorite café,
I hold you tight, when
you are cold,
as if neighbors could see.

As long as we can be here
let’s stay together
you say in our house,
while I go to work,
late grading at a café.

After a friend flew
back to Chicago, we went
to Port Townsend, taking
so many pictures in black and white
smiling in each one.

I was turning right
while you would go straight,
toward I-5 North
the last time I saw you
in the rearview mirror.

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