Saturday 6 August 2022

Post-Anthropocentric Implications of “World-Expression” in Nishida’s “Life”

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Dean Anthony Brink


This paper examines Nishida Kitarō’s (1870–1945) late essay, “Life,” which develops the process of “world-expression” (世界表現) to situate human and nonhuman agency in ways drawing his thought closer to concerns of posthuman ideals of inter-species commensurability and biosemiotics today. Here he extends his philosophy of a site-specific matrix or basho (場所) so as to incorporate arguments from J. S. Haldane’s The Philosophical Basis of Biology (1931), which poses questions concerning the coordination of organisms and environments. Nishida finds in Haldane support for his own situating of selves, even engaging questions concerning how animals count as selves.

Jounal Editor-in-Chief: Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach

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